What We Do

Best Practices Inpatient Care, Ltd provides inpatient physician care to hospitalized patients for physician practices and specialty hospitals in Illinois.
We are the hospitalist specialty line co-director for the largest Accountable Care Organization in the country.
We have been attending to hospitalized patients as a group for over 17 years.
A hospitalist physician is a doctor that is based solely at the hospital and specialized in and assumes care for hospitalized patients only. They do not see patients in an office setting.
Because our physicians are based at the hospital, we have a more timely and more focused understanding of each patients case and can handle their care in a more responsive and efficient manner.
Our doctors work hand in hand with your primary care physician and other specialists who are attending to your care in order to ensure the best possible care for you or your loved ones during their hospital stay.
Your primary care physician is kept up to date on your medical status and is notified when you are admitted to the hospital, upon any changes in your medical condition, and when you discharge from the hospital.
We attempt to have all significant medical records that resulted from your hospital stay forwarded to your primary care’s office by our staff upon your discharge in order to ensure a smooth transition for follow up care with your primary doctor.
Every day we try our best to deliver the most efficient, most compassionate care to our patients. We constantly strive to surpass expectations with regard to patient care.
On a monthly basis our staff conducts patient and physician satisfaction surveys in order to monitor our quality of care and improve wherever needed.
As dedicated hospitalists, we are committed to providing the patients of our referring physicians and institutions the best possible in-patient care.
The Physicians who handled my care were very caring and understanding.